CBT Nuggets Help Desk Institute HDI Desktop Support Technician 英文正式版(教學)
CBT Nuggets Help Desk Institute HDI Desktop Support Technician 英文正式版(教學)
HDI, also known as the Help Desk Institute, is the world’s largest
technical service and support membership association and the industry’s
premier certification and training body. Guided by an international
panel of industry experts and practitioners, HDI is the leading resource
for help desk/support center emerging trends and best practices. HDI
provides members with a vast repository of resources, networking opportunities
and the largest industry event - the HDI Annual Conference and Expo.
HDI is a division of Think Services, Inc.
As of 2009, HDI offered certifications in the following professional
HDI Customer Support Representative
HDI Support Center Analyst
HDI Support Center Desktop Support Technician
HDI Support Center Manager
HDI Support Center Director
Knowledge Management: KCS Principles
ITIL Foundations v3
HDI hosts the world conference for technical support professionals each
spring, and a conference for service desk professionals each fall. In
addition, HDI produces four major training events throughout the United
HDI, and Help Desk Institute, are registered trademarks of Think Services, Inc.